Roof Replacement
Golemac Roofing and Plumbing offers the most comprehensive metal roof replacement services to Melbourne's eastern suburbs. We offer metal to metal and tile to metal roof replacement.
Why choose a metal roof?
Metal Roofs are becoming increasing popular due to the fact that are extremely long lasting and perform better in all types of weather conditions from being able to shed rain and snow, to withstanding high winds. They are environmentally friendly, energy efficient and green. Steel products have the highest recycling rate, by far, of all the recycled materials. Studies have shown that the recovery rate for steel is around 90% and is easily separated from other materials by using magnets at recycling plants and waste disposal sites. Metal roofing is a strong, durable and cost effective material that suits many building designs and roofing applications.
There are many advantages of choosing a metal roof:
This roofing is perfect for buildings that have no pitch or very little pitch as water will still run off this type of roofing.
Colorbond roofing comes in a wide variety of colours, which allows your roof to compliment not compete with the colour of your home.
Colorbond roofing gives your home a neat, modern appearance.
It is long lasting and light weight.
In many cases this roofing can actually be cheaper than tile roofing.
It holds steady in high winds and rain and snow slides right off of this roofing or snow is easily removed.
Because the colour is bonded to the metal, it doesn't need painting as often as other metal roofing materials.
It's lower in maintenance than many roofing materials.
If this roof is properly installed it can cut down on heating and cooling cost.

When is a roof replacement necessary?
Many homeowners have a hard time determining whether they should have their roof repaired or replaced. While the line between the need for roof repairs and the need for roof replacement can be thin, here a few tips that should help you decide whether you would benefit from a new roof:
If you roof continually leak and has a large amount of rust on it, then a roof replacement may be necessary. It’s probably wise to replace a very old roof rather than try to patch it.
If there is water ponding on the gutters or roof this will reduce the life of your roof and roof replacement will be required sooner rather than later.
If you live close to the sea, the salt air will rust out the metal roof prematurely, resulting in a roof replacement.
Free Inspections and Estimates
If you're still unsure whether you need a roof replacement, we offer free inspections and estimates at Golemac Roofing and Plumbing. Simply call us to schedule an appointment and we will have a roof plumber sent to your home to evaluate whether you need roof repairs or a roof replacement and how much it will cost.
We provide a wide range of roofing services to Melbourne's Eastern suburb to protect your home or building from damage. So if you have a problem with your metal roof, call and ask a licensed Roof Plumber about it today!
If you would like more information regarding our roof plumbing services, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to discuss your individual needs and provide options to fix your roof leak, do roof repairs or roof maintenance.
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